Programming Language Challenge

This is a little challenge to test the low-level expressive power of your favorite programming language:

Task 1: Write a function which takes a floating point value (double-precision if your language makes the distinction) and prints to stdout its internal binary representation (that is, a "1" for each set bit and a "0" for each unset bit).

Task 2: Expand the function to support any type, not just floating point types.

In C++ the first task is rather easy. Here's a commented solution:

#include <iostream>
#include <climits>

void printBinaryRepresentation(double value)
    // Resolve if this is a big-endian or a little-endian system:
    int dummy = 1;
    bool littleEndian = (*reinterpret_cast<char*>(&dummy) == 1);

    // The trick is to create a char pointer to the value:
    const unsigned char* bytePtr =
        reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&value);

    // Loop over the bytes in the floating point value:
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(double); ++i)
        unsigned char byte;
        if(littleEndian) // we have to traverse the value backwards:
            byte = bytePtr[sizeof(double) - i - 1];
        else // we have to traverse it forwards:
            byte = bytePtr[i];

        // Print the bits in the byte:
        for(int bitIndex = CHAR_BIT-1; bitIndex >= 0; --bitIndex)
            std::cout << ((byte >> bitIndex) & 1);

    std::cout << std::endl;

Enhancing the function to support any type is really easy too:

template<typename Type>
void printBinaryRepresentation(const Type& value)
  // Exact same contents here as above,
  // but changing sizeof(double) to sizeof(Type)