My Go Proverbs
Some of these proverbs are half-serious, some plain jokes. It's up to you
to decide which is which.
(Note that I add proverbs to the end of this list every time I come up
with something new.)
- When fighting a ko, remember that most ko-threats are ajikeshi.
- Corollary: The best ko-threat is one which is not ajikeshi.
- A gote which isn't a reverse-sente is double-gote.
- There is no death in the double-hane.
- Filling your own empty triangle will not make it an efficient shape.
- A sente move is sente only if your opponent agrees.
- A gote move is sente if your opponent answers to it.
- Two eyes are worth a thousand liberties.
- The one who first plays at tengen will win.
- Corollary: Playing at tengen is never wrong.
- Learn the reverse-gote tesuji.
- Learn the nigiri tesuji.
- The larger the moyo, the less territory.
- If your moyo is larger than half the board, you are thinking it backwards.
- Sometimes a sente move is just a disguised gote.
- If you have to think about a cut, don't do it.
- There's death in a cutting point.
- Gote is not always wrong.
- Cash is better than potential.
- A large moyo calls for an invasion.
- Don't chase a weak group unless you know what you are doing.
- Honte is slow. But slow is not always wrong.
- When in the middle of a heated fight, tenuki. (Strong players do that a lot, so it can't be wrong...)
- When your opponent thinks he has done a sente endgame move, tenuki. (Strong players do that as well...)
- Remember: Killing is usually gote.
- You can't win by resigning.
- The stronger you get, the more you'll have to play white.
- A ladder which passes through tengen is better than any other ladder.
- An empty triangle is not inefficient if it makes an eye.
- The most obvious move is not always the best move.
- Inside every kyu there's a shodan wanting to come out.
- Learn to feel the flow of the stones.
- If a move looks too easy, double-check it.
- If two dragons fight each other, the bigger one usually wins.
- You can't win games with just wishful thinking.
- The favorite move of very strong players is tenuki.
- Territory is usually smaller than it looks.
- Fear is usually a bad reason for making a move.
- Don't try to outread a 9d; you'll get crushed. (Personal experience.)
- Force before killing. (Seen in many high-dan games.)
- Connect two weak groups and you get a bigger weak group.
- Tenuki is better than making a bad move.
Famous quotations that could be applied to go:
- "Give me liberty or give me death."
- "Death before dishonor!"
- "This is a good day to die!"
- "The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated."